The Eight Biggest Challenges New Creators Face on YouTube and TikTok

With the growing popularity of platforms like YouTube and TikTok, many aspiring creators are eager to jump in and start making content. However, the journey to becoming a successful creator is often filled with obstacles. Here are the eight most common challenges new creators face, along with how Pixfun, a powerful AI video creation tool, can help overcome these hurdles.

1. Lack of Scriptwriting Skills

One of the first steps in creating a compelling video is writing an engaging script. Many new creators struggle with scriptwriting, finding it difficult to structure their ideas coherently or make the content interesting. Without a well-written script, videos can lack focus and fail to capture the audience’s attention.

How Pixfun Helps: Pixfun offers easy-to-use templates and AI-driven suggestions that can guide creators in writing better scripts. By providing a starting point, Pixfun allows users to quickly develop their ideas into structured, engaging narratives, making the scriptwriting process less intimidating and more accessible.

2. Inexperience in Video Editing

Even if creators manage to shoot good footage, video editing is a critical skill that many new creators lack. Editing is essential for turning raw footage into polished, professional-looking content. Without editing expertise, videos can appear unprofessional, impacting viewer retention.

How Pixfun Helps: Pixfun simplifies the editing process with its automated editing features. The AI-powered tool allows users to create polished videos by handling tasks like cutting, transitions, and effects automatically. This reduces the learning curve, enabling creators to produce professional-quality videos without needing extensive editing skills.

3. Difficulty in Creating or Finding Visual Assets

Creating custom graphics, animations, or finding suitable stock footage can be a major hurdle. Many creators lack the artistic skills to draw or design these elements, and purchasing them can be expensive.

How Pixfun Helps: Pixfun provides a comprehensive library of pre-designed characters, animations, and scenes. Users can customize these assets to fit their story, ensuring consistency and quality without needing to draw or source external materials. This makes it easier for creators to enhance their videos with engaging visuals.

4. No Background in Art or Design

A lack of artistic or design skills can hinder a creator’s ability to produce visually appealing content. Good design is crucial for branding and keeping viewers engaged, but not everyone has a background in visual arts.

How Pixfun Helps: Pixfun’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design tools make it easy for anyone to create stunning videos. The platform’s automated design suggestions and built-in templates mean creators can achieve a professional look without needing a background in art or design.

5. Unfamiliarity with AI Tools

AI tools can greatly enhance content creation, but many new creators are unfamiliar with how to use them effectively. Understanding how to write prompts or leverage AI features can be a significant barrier.

How Pixfun Helps: Pixfun is designed to be accessible, even for those with no prior experience using AI tools. Its straightforward interface and easy-to-follow instructions mean users can start creating with AI assistance right away. Pixfun’s AI capabilities are integrated seamlessly into the workflow, helping creators utilize advanced technology without needing technical knowledge.

6. Lack of Inspiration or Creative Ideas

Coming up with fresh, engaging content ideas is a challenge many creators face. It’s easy to run out of ideas or feel uninspired, which can lead to inconsistent content production.

How Pixfun Helps: Pixfun provides a variety of templates and story ideas that can spark inspiration. The AI tool can suggest different themes, styles, and storylines based on user preferences, helping creators find new directions for their content. This feature ensures that creators always have fresh ideas to work with.

7. Time Constraints

Creating high-quality videos can be time-consuming, especially for creators who juggle content creation with other responsibilities. The time required for shooting, editing, and finalizing videos can be overwhelming.

How Pixfun Helps: By automating much of the video creation process, Pixfun significantly reduces the time required to produce videos. Its AI-driven tools handle editing and animation, allowing creators to focus on the content itself. This efficiency enables creators to produce more content in less time, helping them stay consistent with uploads.

8. Platform Optimization

Different platforms have different requirements for video format, length, and style. Creators may find it challenging to optimize their content for YouTube, TikTok, or other platforms simultaneously.

How Pixfun Helps: Pixfun is optimized for both YouTube and TikTok, providing features that ensure content is tailored to each platform’s specifications. The tool can automatically resize videos, adjust aspect ratios, and format content to suit platform requirements, helping creators reach their audience effectively without extra effort.


New creators face numerous challenges when starting on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. From scriptwriting and editing to inspiration and platform optimization, each step can present a unique hurdle. Pixfun’s AI-powered features and user-friendly interface make it an invaluable tool for overcoming these challenges. By simplifying the video creation process, Pixfun allows creators to focus on what they do best—telling their story and connecting with their audience.

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